The Great Barrier Reef is known as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. However, it is currently in danger of being destroyed for good. This beautiful underwater palace can be saved but it won't be easy. Have a great time reading my blog and learning about the wonderful Great Barrier Reef.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Big Picture

There are two main reasons that the Great Barrier Reef is being destroyed. One is the crown of thorns starfish, and the other is a rise in water temperatures due to global warming. A rise in water temperatures causes calcification levels to drop which destroys coral. These two factors are rapidly destroying the the coral reef. The reason the Great Barrier Reef is such a tough problem to solve is because the reef is being destroyed largely due to natural hazards. The sharp increase in corwns of thorns is said to be mainly natural and it is possible that the global warming that raised water temperatures is also natural. This issue could be described as human-environment interaction, but i think it falls under the theme of natural hazards. A similar issue in world is Anarctica. Anarctica is melting due to a rise in global temperatures that could be the fault of humans or natural cuases. It could even be a mix of the two. If Anarctica completely melts, hundreds of species will go extinct and parts of the world will flood.


  1. This reminds me of the loss of Rainforest in South America. Specifically the Amazon rainforest that provides oxygen and habitat to many animals just as the great barrier reef provides habitat to the wild life there. With both being Destroyed this could cause real problem in the future for both environments.

  2. The Great Barrier Reef reminds me of the Amazon Rainforest in South America. They both are enviromental environments for countless numbers of animals and plants. Without them they would creat a hamr in the cycle on both land and water. These places need to be preserved and without them, the earth will suffer!

  3. This remindes me of the destruction of the land in America Because it is done by the people of that country and not another. Also because it is a great landform but is still being destroied. Lastly because people are tring to fix it before it is gone forever.
