The Great Barrier Reef is known as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. However, it is currently in danger of being destroyed for good. This beautiful underwater palace can be saved but it won't be easy. Have a great time reading my blog and learning about the wonderful Great Barrier Reef.

Monday, April 26, 2010


The total destruction of the Great Barrier Reef would be devestating to the enviroment. The reef is home to thousands of species of coral and fish. Hundreds of these species would be in danger of going extinct with the loss of the reef. One of the main economic factors of Australia is tourism. Without the Great Barrier Reef, the tourism industry would decline heavily which could be a big problem for the Australian economy. Many people use the coral reef in their daily lives to make a living for themselves. Jobs involving guided tours, fishing, and research on the reef would be lost if the Great Barrier Reef was destroyed.

These Are My Top Three Concerns About The Great Barrier Reef
  1. The loss of one of the largest and most diverse coral reefs on the planet.
  2. The extinction of hundreds of species of fish and coral with the loss of the reef.
  3. The economic impact that could come with the loss of the Great Barrier Reef.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the loss of Rainforest in South America. Specifically the Amazon rainforest that provides oxygen and habitat to many animals just as the great barrier reef provides habitat to the wild life there. With both being Destroyed this could cause real problem in the future for both environments.
