The Great Barrier Reef is known as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. However, it is currently in danger of being destroyed for good. This beautiful underwater palace can be saved but it won't be easy. Have a great time reading my blog and learning about the wonderful Great Barrier Reef.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


It is predicted that by 2050, 95% of the coral in the Great Barrier Reef will be destroyed. If water temperature conitues to rise as predicted, then coral will be bleached at an even faster rate. If the reef does get destroyed completely it will be a huge blow to ocean life and may lead to extinction of many reef dwelling fish. Scientists are currently holding meetings about whether anything should (or could) be done to help the reef. Some argue that the coral will be able to adapt and make a recovery on its own. To try and help the coral now, scuba divers are diving down and purposely stabbing crowns of thorns to keep them from destroying coral. Currently the "Reef Plan" is in effect to help maintain biodiversity in the reef. For more information on the future of the Great Barrier Reef go to

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