The Great Barrier Reef is known as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. However, it is currently in danger of being destroyed for good. This beautiful underwater palace can be saved but it won't be easy. Have a great time reading my blog and learning about the wonderful Great Barrier Reef.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Water temperatures began to rise in 1998. Coral is designed to live at a very specific temperature, even a change of one degree could kill hundreds of coral. Shortly after the rise of water temperature in 1998, crowns of thorns began to rise dramatically in numbers and their primary food is coral. Not untill a six years ago has the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef been taken seriously by scientists. Now, steps are trying being taken to reverse the destruction of the coral reef.

Important Events
  • Water Temperatures of the reef begin to rise-1998
  • A crown of thorns outbreak in the Great Barrier Reef-2000
  • New zoning plan for ecosystem consveration was put into action for the reef-2004

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